The youth mental health crisis is taking a hidden toll on parents (Commonwealth Beacon)
High school graduation and beyond (Oxford University Press Publication)
Embracing vulnerability in evaluation (American Evaluation Association)
The Tot Lot child care nears a 50th anniversary (Cambridge Day)
Turning the tide: Inspiring concern for others and the common good through college admissions (Making Caring Common)
Leaning out: Teen girls and leadership biases (Making Caring Common)
Report on program services (Boston Children’s Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships Program)
The School Mental Health Capacity Instrument: Development of an assessment and consultation tool (School Mental Health)
Rules of the culture and personal needs: Witnesses’ decision-making process to deal with situations of bullying in middle school (Harvard Education Review)
Belonging to and exclusion from the peer group: Influences on adolescents’ moral choices (Journal of Moral Education)
Between neurons and neighborhoods: Innovative methods to assess the development and depth of adolescent social awareness (Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience)